兩千種MS-DOS 骨灰級老遊戲免費線上玩!免下載、免安裝模擬器 ... 2015年1月8日 ... 還記得家裡的第一台電腦是486SX,小時候最早接觸的作業系統是MS-DOS 6.2, 當時遊戲並沒有像現在這麼聲光俱佳,卻是許多人永難忘懷,至今仍 ...
DOS Games Archive: download free classic games (MS-DOS) Ever wanted to play your favorite computer games again? Download the best MS-DOS games for free from this site. ... It's amazing how far computer games have progressed. But have you ever felt the urge to take a trip back in time and relive the games of th
Creating MS-DOS boot disk (download bootable floppy disk from www.bootdisk.com). Partitioning with F Creating a bootable MS-DOS disk The easiest way to create a MS-DOS boot disk, it to visit the website www.bootdisk.com and download an image file. The page www.bootdisk.com/bootdisk.htm gives you an overview of the different MS-DOS boot disks, I prefer th
MS-DOS - Kirsle.net This page contains download links for a very old Microsoft operating system so that ... The last version of MS-DOS from the Windows 3.1 era, before Windows 95.